Monday, October 26, 2009

Big Sunspot

Sunspots are spots of magnetic activity across the sun. Sunspot 1029 is making news because of its shear size. This is related to deep solar minimum because the Sun has not been experiencing any activity lately so this is a sign that the sunspot cycle could be restarting. Since there are very few sunspots this causes changes in weather. If your a stingy person about the weather then sunspots may be a big problem for you. If there are very few sunspots the weather will be colder if there are many the weather will be warmer.

This could effect many sports throughout the world such as ice hockey. If the weather got warmer no ponds or lakes would freeze over to play hockey on. If the weather got colder no one would want to go outside and play soccer or baseball. This also could effect crops and fishing buisnesses.

Website link and information
Dr. James Thieman
Bryan Stepenson
No date given

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