Monday, October 26, 2009

International Year of Astronomy

2009 is identified as the International year of Astronomy because it commemorates the 400th anniversary of Galileo's invention of the telescope to research space. The project is to help citizens of Earth to realize how important astronomy and the discoveries from it are. It is endorsed by the United Nations and the International Council of Science. There are 135 countries involved from all around the world. The Galilean Nights Project is sidewalk observations of Jupiter and its moons.

I think its a good cause but with whats happening in the economy especially in the United States I don't think certain countries should be contributing money or participating with major issues still happening within their countries. This project should wait for the economy to stabilize before trying to set up because at the right time in the economy this project could get the right sponsors to make it very successful. So overall I think its a great idea just not the right time to do it.

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Copyright 2009

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