Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Black Holes

A black hole is an object so compacted together that its gravity is so strong it prevents any light or objects from escaping. There are three types of blacks holes that scientists believe exist. There is the stellar mass, super massive and there is a third one that is thought to be in between. Out of these three i think the super massive is my favorite because its so large that its as heavy as a small galaxy. That's amazing to think of what it could pull in with its gravitational forces.

Black holes can spin around an axis, astronomers believe some spin but are not entirely sure. They form from when an object cant withstand its own gravity. Stellar mass holes form with a bang when a star nearly 25 times larger than the sun runs out of nuclear fuel.

Some misconceptions about black holes is that they are like a vacuum and suck up anything around them. Black holes have enormous gravitational pull but objects only enter them when there orbit crosses into the black hole. Wormholes is another misconception, although not proven wrong most astronomers disregard the idea. Wormholes are the idea that there is another exit to the black hole that takes to another part of the universe.

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