Thursday, June 10, 2010

Geologic Time

The mezozoic era is known as the age of dinosaurs. The period in the Paleozoic that is famous for coal swamps is the Carboniferous period. The cambrian period was the first explosion of Life. Humans first appeared in the Holocene epoch. The extinction of the dinosaurs marked the end of the Mesozoic Era. The last ice age in michigan happened in the peliosticene epoch
Longest to Shortest: era, period, epoch

Website Link and Info:
Author:Jim Kupius

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Sinkholes form when groundwater seeps into limestone and erodes large amounts of it. This then makes the ground there unstable and at risk of sinking into the ground and when it does it is known as a sinkhole. Florida has so many sinkholes because of their local geography of wetlands and a moist climate. In colder temperatures the water that supports the walls in the sinkhole will lower which can cause the ground above to collapse in. A major hazard with sinkholes is the possibily of waste and garbage falling in and polluting local ground water.

Website Link and Info:
Authors: Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida, and the Invasive Plant Management Section of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Monday, May 17, 2010

Nashville Floods

Excessive rainfall and rising in the height of the Cumberland River led to the flooding in the Nashville region. The Cumberland River was 50 feet above its normal level when it crested. There are levees and flood control dams to prevent flooding but the water levels were too high and powerful for these devices to handle.

Website Link and Info:
Authors: William Harless and Joseph Berger

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oil Disaster

The explosion was caused by a fire that had started on the oil rig. The Gulf Coast is being affected by the oil spill but Louisiana is being hurt the most. Some of the environmental problems forming from the oil spill is water pollution, damage to ecosystems and coastline regions. 42,000 gallons of oil are leaking out into the Gulf Coast region everyday. They are trying to stop the oil leak by placing a box shaped container over it. So far all attempts to slow or stop the oil are failing.

Website Link Info:
Author: Steven Mufson

Monday, April 26, 2010

Kennecott or Not

A mine in the Upper Peninsula has been approved to begin mining operations but many locals and environmentalists have concerns. One of these concerns is that AMD could result from the mining. AMD is when acids seep into the ground and poses a risk of contaminating local groundwater, rivers and wildlife. The mining will destroy local forests that have a large tourist interest that would hurt the local economy.

The owners of the new mine are going to use an old mill that had been closed down. Before they reopen the mill they are going to do a brownfield cleanup which means they are going to cleanup all of the chemicals and pollutants that were already at the mill to begin with. Other benefits of opening the mine are employment for the locals. Many people in the UP are unemployed from all of the old mines that shut down so this could help put people back to work and revitalize the economies up there.

After the owners do the brownfield cleanup they are going to build a new water treatment facility to ensure that no chemicals and pollutants endanger local wildlife such as trout.

Website Links and Info:
NorthWoods Wilderness Recovery
Bruce Edward Walker

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Iceland Volcano

There is a volcano erupting in Iceland because of a fault that runs through the region.

This volcano is grounding air traffic because it sent so much volcanic ash into the atmosphere that its disrupting the planes engines, putting them at risk of crashing. Another negative effect of the eruption is the disruption to the local ecosystems and agriculture.

The volcano isn't affecting the United States because of its location and wind patterns.

Website Link and Info:
Title: Pacific Disaster Center

Monday, March 22, 2010

Wind Farms

The pros of the proposed wind farm project are an alternate source of energy and it has zero carbon emmisions. The cons of it are it has never been done on a fresh water source which means we don't know what it will do to the environment. I think they should put up a couple of the windfarms and see how it effects the environment. If you oppose the project you could write to the US government and see if they oppose the Canadians decision.

Website Link:
Author: Tina Lam